Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I love The Hills!!!

Keeping a diary or a journal had never really appealed to me. I don’t know if it was that I was do lazy to write a log on a frequent basis or that I just did not care enough. Writing had always seemed like work. I go to school and I write. I do my homework and I write. It was never an enjoyable action, but at the same time I can’t say that it made me miserable either. Writing was just something I had to do. However, though I personally would never choose to keep a journal I know that many people do.

My knowledge on diaries comes mostly from television. It usually consisted of a teenage girl having her diary read by an obnoxious younger brother. Said brother would then proceed to tell the boy of her dreams that she has, “ the biggest crush on him” thus causing her to hate her life. These last two sentences were not just for increasing my word count, but more to demonstrate the belief I had that a journal is something private. It comes off as an intimate extension of someone’s feelings. Although in more recent times, individuals have forsaken the archaic paper and pen for the more modern blog.

Blogging is not technically the “new thing” but it’s new enough. People go online to reveal (sometimes) their most intimate details for anyone who cares to see. Though one could say that even blogs can be made private is anything truly private once it’s reached the internet? People from Kentucky can unknowingly share their views with someone from Japan (if they spoke the same language). It opens avenues of life experience that a great deal of people could have never had. For example I would have never known that, “She's back! Kristin is in full force this coming season of The Hills”. LIKE OMG WAT! Imagine if I never found that out…In all seriousness though blogging is to me less of a personal diary and more of a way for people to communicate on a grander scale.

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