Wednesday, September 16, 2009


So my first few weeks of college have finished. I suppose there was nothing really spectacular about it, but I can’t think of any reason for there to be. I remember after I graduated from High School imagining what college would be like, and so far it’ pretty much how I imagined. At least the actual classes and the work I’m being assigned is how I expected it to be. My least favorite class is probably European History. The class focuses mainly on the time from the French Revolution until World War I. I suppose the reason I don’t really enjoy it is because it’s like taking Global Studies again. For me at least I get bored when I hear the same stuff repeated. The professor is decent, he seems to have great knowledge of the source material which is cool, but the class is fundamentally lame. It sort of reminds me of that Seinfeld episode when Jerry is dating that woman with all the retro toys so he puts her to sleep every night with turkey and wine while he proceeds to play with her toys. Well to me that class is a giant pile of turkey and I just can’t stop myself from eating it and a box of cheap wine that I cannot help but love. I’m probably making it seem worse than it actually is. I doubt Ill get to the point where my professor starts sounding like the adults from Charlie Brown (I think Charlie had a hearing impairment). So as I try to finish off this blog post I can’t help (well that’s a lie) but think about how long its been since I’ve seen Charlie Brown. Yes, I do know they show a CB movie every holiday season I just never watch them yet I want to…It’s a paradox as intense as the one Fat Bastard suffers from, “I’m fat because I eat, and I eat because I’m fat”.

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